{"id": "thu-leavers-survey", "day": "Thursday", "time": "12:30-1:45pm ET", "event_name": "Leavers Survey: Former Journalists of Color on Retention, Public Service, Diversity", "event_description": "This session is where participants can discuss how to retain journalists of color in newsrooms, particularly those at mid-career and up. I'll debut the results from an informal early Spring 2020 survey of former journalists of color in the hopes of: 1) seeding a data-informed discussion space for SRCCON participants; 2) mobilizing participants around the use of data to determine: where do we go from here? and 3) hopefully, carving out space for JOCs (cub journos, especially) to weigh the 'exit interviews' of those who've gone before them.", "facilitators": "Carla Murphy, Mazin Sidahmed", "break": "", "everyone": "", "facilitators_twitter": "", "length": "75 minutes", "notepad": "", "room": "", "talk": "", "timeblock": "thu-1230pm", "transcription": "", "event_dtstart": "2020-07-16T12:30:00", "event_dtend": "2020-07-16T13:45:00", "event_tzid": "America/New_York", "event_uid": "srccon-2020/thu-leavers-survey"}